The ultimate self-service supermarket

In Japan there are many places were there are machines instead of people or customers have to serve themselves. For example, the automatic food machines were you pay for your menu and then get served, drink bars were you serve your own drinks the times you want, etc.

But, the most impressive thing that we have seen in Japan is the self-service supermarket. We found this in the supermarket inside Aeon Mall in Kurashiki city, but maybe there are more all over Japan.

You do your normal shopping, pick your goods and food. Then, when you go to pay, you find this:

No cashier!

No cashier!


Where is the person that checks what you are buying, registers your shopping, receives your money and then says good-bye?! There is no one. People go, pass their shopping through the barcode reader while putting everything inside their shopping bag, insert the money or credit card, take their receipt and go away. Just like that.

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Can you imagine this working in your country?

2 responses to “The ultimate self-service supermarket

  1. Most of the larger supermarket chains in Southern California have adopted this format. I’m probably just being lazy but I prefer to go through a checkout line with a real person. It’s a headache having to look up the prices of all the produce.

    • Hello! Thanks for your comment. It`s good to know this is being used in other countries too! You are right, it may be easier to have a real person in the cashier, but it`s a fun experience to do it yourself! You should try it when you buy few things! 🙂

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